- shading process
- Вычислительная техника: процесс применения фактуры
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Shading — refers to depth in 3D models or illustrations by varying levels of darkness.DrawingShading is a process used in drawing for depicting levels of darkness on paper by applying media more densely or with a darker shade for darker areas, and less… … Wikipedia
Shading — Shad ing, n. 1. Act or process of making a shade. [1913 Webster] 2. That filling up which represents the effect of more or less darkness, expressing rotundity, projection, etc., in a picture or a drawing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shading language — A shading language is a special programming language adapted to easily map on shader programming. Those kind of languages usually have special data types like color and normal. Because of the various target markets of 3D graphics, different… … Wikipedia
Deferred shading — Diffuse Color G Buffer Z Buffer … Wikipedia
Benday process — ☆ Benday process [ben′dā′ ] n. 〚after Benjamin Day (1838 1916), N.Y. printer〛 [often b p ] Photoengraving a process for adding tone or shading, as in reproducing drawings, by the overlay on the plate of patterns, as of dots: also written Ben Day… … Universalium
Benday process — ☆ Benday process [ben′dā′ ] n. [after Benjamin Day (1838 1916), N.Y. printer] [often b p ] Photoengraving a process for adding tone or shading, as in reproducing drawings, by the overlay on the plate of patterns, as of dots: also written Ben Day… … English World dictionary
Ben Day process — /ben day /, Photoengraving. a technique for producing shading, texture, or tone in line drawings and photographs by overlaying a fine screen or a pattern of dots on the original artwork, on a negative of it, or on the plate before etching. Also,… … Universalium
Ben Day process — /ben day /, Photoengraving. a technique for producing shading, texture, or tone in line drawings and photographs by overlaying a fine screen or a pattern of dots on the original artwork, on a negative of it, or on the plate before etching. Also,… … Useful english dictionary
Ben Day process — Ben′ Day′ (or ben′day′) proc ess [[t]ˈbɛn ˈdeɪ[/t]] n. pri a technique used in photoengraving to produce shading, texture, or tone by means of a patterned screen • Etymology: 1910–15; after Ben(jamin) Day (1838–1916), U.S. printer … From formal English to slang
Benday process — noun a photoengraving technique for adding shading or texture or tone to a printed image • Hypernyms: ↑technique … Useful english dictionary
Cel-shaded animation — (also called cel shading or toon shading) is a type of non photorealistic rendering designed to make computer graphics appear to be hand drawn. Cel shading is often used to mimic the style of a comic book or cartoon. It is a somewhat recent… … Wikipedia